Gusto at BTCA National Specialty – 2014


We had a great time in Gray Summit, MO at the Border Terrier Club of America National Specialty 2014 show. I was extremely thankful that my mom came with me, beside a great companion she was an effective navigator and dog walker. When necessary she went into her “horse show mom” mode and made sure I was ready for the show ring. I could not have done it without her.

We had four days of activities, starting with agility on Day 1. ZZ & Henri had nice Jumpers runs, but had a case of the sniffs during the standard runs. Evie/Skittle debuted in Novice B. She did a fine job although she still needs more courage. She stopped a few times out on the course.

Day 2 was Sweepstakes and team obedience. Hazel (Gusto Beautiful Thing) did an outstanding job, and won her 9 to 12 puppy bitch class. Henri had a great time in team obedience. Here’s a video North Country Anglers.

Wednesday (Day 3) started out with Pink (Gusto Glitter in the Air at Meadowlake) and Deb Steel in the 9 to 12 month class. They looked great. Pink walked away with a 3rd place in the very competitive class. Next was Hazel’s Bred By Exhibitor class with 14 entries. She pulled off a 3rd place in this highly competitive class. Later in the day ZZ (Meadowlake Sharp Dressed Girl) competed in Working Bitch and did a fabulous job. I was worried we would not place when our judge, Mrs. Ruth Ann Naun, did not look at us when she was making her last decisions – because she had already decided on ZZ to win the class!

Thursday was the final day. Skittle/Evie (Meadowlake Pure Imagination) competed in Best of Breed, along with ZZ because she won her class. Judy Cowen expertly help me show the two dogs. For roll call, Judy brought in ZZ and I brought in Skittle/Evie. Then the class was broken up into 4 subgroups, Skittle/Evie being in the last sub group. She loves the breed ring, and show’s her little heart out. To my joy she made the cut and got to go back in the ring for the final decision making. This meant that both her and ZZ would be in the ring at the same time. Judy took Skittle in and I took in ZZ. Judy and Skittle were a great team, Mrs Naun giving her a good look. Unfortunately they did not make the final cut of special bitches. ZZ was in the sub group of working, veterans and winners, set off to the side. Mrs Naun didn’t give us much of a look, so I was getting worried ZZ would not do anything in breed. Mrs Naun was working the specials pretty hard, having them go through the paces, not looking at our sub-group. But we kept showing the entire time, not letting up. ZZ has a beautiful stack and profile, so we kept it up. She took her time making her decision, going to the table to make notes, then coming back out to review the dogs again. Finally she was awarding BOB, BOW, BOS, then Select Dog, all from the specials (except BOW), then turned and pointed to us for Select Bitch – 2nd best bitch at the show. It was thrilling, a moment I’ll remember always. After that exciting moment, we went in for Brood Bitch class. Helping me with this fun class was Hailey Sorenson with Skittle and Deb Steele with Pink. They did a wonderful job showing these girls, I was so proud. We walked away with a second place. A great way to top it all off!

The best part is I was able to experience the thrills and excitement with my mom by my side.

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Posted in Breaking News, Video.

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