Mount and Blade Make Trade Agreement

If you are an avid player of the popular medieval RPG game, Mount and Blade, you know how important trade is for the economic stability of your kingdom. One of the most effective ways to enhance your trade routes and profits is by making trade agreements with other factions and kingdoms. In this article, we will explore the process for making trade agreements in Mount and Blade, and how it can help you succeed in the game.

Firstly, to make a trade agreement in Mount and Blade, you need to have a good reputation with the faction or kingdom you want to trade with. Having a good reputation means that you have established a positive relationship with the faction and gained their trust. You can increase your reputation by completing quests, helping them in battles, or supporting their cause.

Once you have established a good reputation with the faction, you can approach their leader and propose a trade agreement. You can do this by clicking on the “Contacts” tab and selecting the faction leader`s name from the list. Then, click on the “Propose Trade Treaty” button to initiate the agreement.

After initiating the trade agreement, the other faction will review your proposal and consider its terms. If the faction agrees to your proposal, you will receive a notification, and the trade agreement will be established. The terms of the agreement may vary, depending on the faction, but generally, it involves the exchange of commodities or specific items. The commodities that you can trade include goods, such as iron, salt, and wool, and the specific items may include weapons, armor, and horses.

Making trade agreements can be a lucrative venture in Mount and Blade. It can significantly increase your profits, especially if you have access to rare or high-demand commodities. Additionally, establishing trade agreements with other factions can also strengthen your diplomatic relations and improve your reputation in the game.

However, be careful not to overcommit yourself to too many trade agreements, as they require resources and attention to maintain. If you fail to fulfill the terms of the agreement, it can damage your reputation and lead to hostility among factions.

In conclusion, making trade agreements in Mount and Blade is an effective way to boost your profits and expand your influence in the game. By building a good reputation, proposing a reasonable agreement, and fulfilling your obligations, you can create a prosperous trade network and establish strong relationships with other factions.

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