Cohabitation Agreement Ontario Template Pdf

Cohabitation Agreement Ontario Template PDF: A Must-Have Document for Unmarried Couples

Cohabitation, or living together in a romantic relationship without being married, is becoming increasingly popular in Ontario. While cohabitation may feel like a romantic dream, it also comes with its own set of legal challenges. Without the legal protection of marriage, cohabiting couples are vulnerable to financial and legal risks in the event of a breakup or death. That’s where a cohabitation agreement comes into play. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of a cohabitation agreement, what it should contain, and where to find a template PDF.

Benefits of a Cohabitation Agreement

A cohabitation agreement, also known as a living together agreement or domestic partnership agreement, is a contract that details the legal rights and responsibilities of unmarried couples who live together. This agreement can help protect both parties in the event of a breakup or death.

Here are some of the benefits of having a cohabitation agreement:

1. Clarifies financial responsibilities: A cohabitation agreement can outline how bills, rent, and other financial obligations will be split between the couple. This can prevent misunderstandings or arguments down the road.

2. Protects assets: If you or your partner has significant assets, a cohabitation agreement can protect them in case of a breakup or death.

3. Outlines property rights: A cohabitation agreement can clarify who owns what property, such as a shared car or furniture.

4. Determines child custody and support: If you and your partner have children together, a cohabitation agreement can outline who gets custody in case of a breakup and how child support will be handled.

What Should a Cohabitation Agreement Contain?

A cohabitation agreement can be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. However, here are some important items that should be included:

1. The names and addresses of both parties

2. The date the agreement is signed

3. A description of the property owned by each party and how it will be divided in case of a breakup

4. The amount and duration of any spousal support that may be paid

5. Provisions for child custody and support, if applicable

6. A dispute resolution process in case of disagreements

7. How the agreement can be updated or terminated.

Where to Find a Cohabitation Agreement Template PDF

Creating a cohabitation agreement can be intimidating, but there are several resources available to help you get started. One option is to hire a lawyer who specializes in family law to draft the agreement for you. However, this can be expensive.

Alternatively, you can find a cohabitation agreement template PDF online. The template should be specific to the laws of Ontario to ensure legal validity. Before using any template, make sure to have it reviewed and approved by a lawyer.


A cohabitation agreement may seem like an unromantic document, but it’s essential for unmarried couples who live together. By clarifying financial responsibilities, protecting assets, and outlining property rights, a cohabitation agreement can offer peace of mind and security to both parties. With the help of a qualified lawyer and a cohabitation agreement template PDF, you can create an agreement that meets your specific needs and protects your future.

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