
CH Meadowlake Matisse ME RE CD OA OAJ TIAD TG2

(Champion, Master Earthdog, Rally Excellent, Companion Dog, Open Agility, Open Agility Jumpers, Tea Cup Intermediate Agility Dog, Tea Cup Games 2)

Henri is my dog that saved me from my teenage daughter.  I needed a break from the angst of those teen years, and thought getting back into dog shows would do the trick.  He has become everything I could hope for in my journey back into dog shows.  We started out in conformation, winning his Champion easily, and getting several group wins.  I had to share Henri when my son Eric started in Juniors.  At the same time we were training in obedience and agility.  He was one busy dog.  For fun we would go to earthdog trials, his most enjoyable activity.  After just a few years, he has completed his Rally Excellent and Master Earthdog.  Now we are competing in the thrills of Agility and of course always Earthdog – 3 out of 4 of Endurance Earthdog legs.

Find his health clearances here.


Henri Group 3 from the classes
Henri first points
Henri winning his Rally Advance Title
Henri Group 3 from the classes
Henri International show Group 1
Henri Group 1 Puppy
Henri's first show - first group 1.jpg
Henri Group 3 Duluth
Henri BTCASpecialty 2009
Henri JAM 2008
Henri Madison April 29 07
Henri Rally Novice Title
Eric last 1st n Novice
Henri final major
Henri Best in Show Puppy
Henri BTCA National Show Best Otter Head
Eric first place in Juniors
Eric & Henri
Henri BTCA Specialty 2009 closeup
Henri and his awards
Henri BTCA JAM 2009
Henri International show
Henri Terrier Sweeps group 4th
Henri Group 3 from the classes
Henri first points
Henri winning his Rally Advance Title
Henri Group 3 from the classes
Henri International show Group 1
Henri Group 1 Puppy
Henri's first show - first group 1.jpg
Henri Group 3 Duluth
Henri BTCASpecialty 2009
Henri JAM 2008

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